GB Studio Project: A Little Adventure
A downloadable assginment
This final GB Studio project is worth 60 points.
5 points for the warm-up exercise, 20 points for your personal work, 30 points for the game overall, and 5 points for your individual reflection.
Projects are due online by May 4th at 7pm. There is no in-person final meeting.
You may elect to work solo or with one or two partners. Partner projects will have proportional expectations with a greater number of custom/original assets.
While constructing this game, I'd like you to pursue this project by focusing on a particular area of game development you're interested in. Advanced scripting? Environment design? Level design? Character art? Whatever it is that has piqued your interest.
Crafting A Little Adventure
Using the GB Studio "Adventure" mode, you're building out a Prologue Event that would establish the premise of a videogame and prepare the player for what comes ahead.
You can think of it as the "starting area" of a videogame adventure (like Palette Town in Pokemon) that functions like a tutorial to the rest of the game. Or, you can think of it like a demo or teaser.
This should be a chance for the player to learn something about the story of the game, their motivations, explore a Zelda-like space, and participate in simple combat.
Minimum Deliverable
- A GB Studio game using Adventure mode
- Title Screen
- 15 scenes (at least nine of which should be like a Zelda dungeon)
- For anyone working solo, you can just focus on the 9 dungeon scenes
- Custom scene backgrounds assembled in Tiled
- Playercharacter animation + sword or projectile
- Animated enemies or obstacles
- Inventory or Quest List on the select button
- Character interactions
- 2 "cutscene" animations of other actors scripted to move around and talk while the player remains still.
Division of Labor
Because you're working in small groups, it's important to divide up the effort evenly and equitably. Everyone should plan to spend the same amount of time on their component of the project.
Dr. S will establish expectations for each group and group member. Each person should expect to put in about 25 hours of work outside of class over the next three weeks.
Each group is expected to use Teams for file sharing and communication.
Writing a Reflection
Each person on the team will be submitting their own 400 word reflection describing their process. In it, tell me what you hoped to acheive and how you went about it. Tell me if there was anything you wanted to do that you couldn't or something you accomplished that was unexpected. And what did you learn about this area of making games? Your reflection should also describe what you did for the assignment. Submission
One person in the group should be responsible for uploading to Itch. (Though, if you would like to have your own copy of the game on your own Itch page, you're welcome to!)
As a part of your submission, you will write a back-of-the-box description of what the full game would entail. For example, the original Pokemon games had this on the back of their box:
You've finally been granted your Pokemon trainer's license. Now, it's time to head out to become the world's greatest Pokemon trainer. It's going to take all you've got to collect 150 Pokemon in this enormous world. Catch and train monsters like the shockingly-cute Pikachu. Face off against Blastoise's torrential water cannons. Stand strong when facing Pidgeot's stormy Gust. Trade with friends and watch your Pokemon evolve. Important - no single Pokemon can win it all. Can you develop the ultimate Pokemon strategy to defeat the eight GYM Leaders and become the greatest Pokemon Master of all time?
Provide credits (first name only) for each group member on the Itch Game Page and what they were responsible for.
Make sure to give credit to anyone whose work you used and take credit in your project description, too.
You must also include cover art for the page when you submit. (Maybe turn it into a GB box?)
You will need to upload this project to Once you have finished, choose from the menu "Game -> Export As" and choose "Export Web". You can zip up the 'web' folder and upload it using the instructions online.
Your project + any original assets (Tile files, sprite art or sounds) should remain in the Team Files tab if you worked in a group OR uploaded here if you worked solo!
Status | Released |
Category | Other |
Author | Video Game Mode |