A downloadable project

2023 Schedule

Syllabus is linked at the bottom of this page.

Weekly Devlog Journals

All students should create Itch.io accounts in order to post "Devlog Journals". (Oh, hey, congrats you're now a game designer!) If you have an Itch account from another class: great! If you need to register a new one, please know you are not required to use your real name. I often recommend students use a game studio name generator if you need ideas.

You'll need to start a new project using your "studio" name use this throughout the semester, adding a Devlog Journal each week. I'll show you how to do this in class and instructions are linked in the videos at the bottom of this page.

Devlog Journals (300 worthwhile words) are due every Friday by 2:00pm. In your reflection, connect the readings you did for the week (using at least 3 direct quotes cited with Author & Page/or Video & Timestamp) with the work you did in class that week. Posts that do not cite three concepts will receive zero credit, so make sure you're incorporating the prep material. Links, photos, and other media are encouraged!

Even though Devlog Journal reflections due Friday, all of the "in preparation" readings/videos should be completed before class on Tuesdays so that we can talk about and use them. You're reading and watching so that we can discuss, make stuff, and the you can reflect on how it has applied. There will be 14 Devlog Journals opportunities in total, though only 12 are required.

These should be the easiest part of your grade and yet it's the one assignment that causes people to earn lower grades in the course. Don't be that person!

The use of Generative AI tools such as ChatGPT are forbidden in writing Devlog Journal entries.. These are your thoughts and words as a designer and you should not have a robot write your diary for you.

This schedule is subject to change but Dr. S will provide appropriate notice when it may need to. Please bookmark this page and check it before each week.

Unit 1: Foundations

August 24 β€” Hello!

In Preparation: Bring yourself!

Friday Aug 25: [Devlog Journal 1] Because the was no reading this week, this frist Journal is a little different. Create your Itch.io account and choose "Upload a new project" to create your project page and write your first Devlog Journal post (instructions at the bottom of this schedule). Tell us why you're taking this class. What do you hope to learn? What kinds of games (of any kind!) do you currently play?

When you have posted your first Devlog Journal, join our Microsoft Teams group and paste your Itch.io account link into the Itch.io channel.

August 29, 31

Playcentric Design

In Preparation:

In-Class: Discuss Design Processes

Exercise #1: Folk games

Friday Sept 1 [Devlog Journal 2] From here on out, your Devlog Journals will always take the readings/material from the week and connect it with the creative work you're doing in and out of class.

September 5, 7

Doing Design Work

In preparation:

Ensure your IDEAPAK is in-hand.

In-Class: Discuss the Six Elements / Ten Tool

Exercise #2: A simple mod

Friday Sept 8 [Devlog Journal 3]

September 12, 14

Thinking through Games

In Preparation:

Exercise #3: Board game a sport

Friday Sept 15 [Devlog Journal 4]

September 19, 21

Learning Procedures with Card Games

In Preparation:

In-Class: Card Game History + playing some games

Exercise #4: Mod Uno

Friday Sept 22 [Devlog Journal 5]

Unit 2: Designing from Scratch

September 26, 28

Rules Explicitness

In Preparation:

In-Class: Discuss writing rules, form card game groups, and conceptualization and prototyping

Dr. S Assigned the Card Game Project

Friday Sept 29 [Devlog Journal 6]

October 3, 5

How People Interact

In Preparation:

In-Class: Prototype testing of the Card Game Project

Friday Oct 6 [Devlog Journal 7]

October 10, 12

In Preparation:

Tuesday: Card Game Playtest

Due Thursday Class: Assignment #1: Card Game Demo Play Session!

Friday Oct 13 [Devlog Journal 8]

Unit 3: Balance

October 17, 19

Game Balance, Asymmetry, and Battle Battle

In Preparation:

Friday Oct 20 [Devlog Journal 9]

October 24, 26

In Preparation:

Friday Oct 27 [Devlog Journal 10]

October 31, November 2

In Preparation:

  • (moved this to next week)

Due TUESDAY: Battle Battle Project


Friday Nov 3 [Devlog Journal 11 is now a freebie!]

Unit 4: Competitive Play

November 7, 9Β 

Competitive Play

In Preparation:

  • πŸ“Ό Soren Johnson discusses How Board Games Matter at the Game Developers Conference 2014 (video, watch up until Q&A begins at 41 min.)
  • πŸ“š Mary Flanagan's 'Board Games' in Critical Play : Radical Game Design (MIT Press, 2009)

In-Class: Tuesday Play board games / form groups

There is NO CLASS ON THURSDAY becuase Dr. S is giving a presentation in Boston

Friday Nov 10 [Devlog Journal 12]

November 14, 16

In Preparation:

In-Class: Board game concept pitches. Rapid Prototyping.

Friday Nov 17 [Devlog Journal 13]

November 21

πŸ“… Thanksgiving Break: No Class This Week β€” Each team will submit their design documentation to me online by Tuesday. Use the template in Teams.

November 28, 30

In Preparation:

In-Class Tuesday: Studio time

In-Class Thursday: Consultations and Playtesting

Due: Mid-Project peer evaluations

Friday Dec 1 [Devlog Journal 14]

December 5

In-Class: Playtesting

December 11 | Exam Period 4:30 – 7 PM

Board Game Final Play Session! Invite your friends!

Due: Finished boxed games and peer evalutions.


3377 Syllabus (Fall 2023).pdf 119 kB
Video: Create a Project (One Time) 9.7 MB
Video: Add a "devlog" to the project for weekly Design Journal entries 9.9 MB